East Asian Tigers love

East Asian Tigers


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  • Other Asian countries in the post-World War II era adopted market-oriented policies and gave the world the modernization of the Four East Asian Tigers -- Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong.

    'Change' Is Coming to Asia Ying Ma 2008

  • Chang also emphasises the importance of available finance for promoting industrial growth, as happened throughout the East Asian Tigers.

    CONTENTS 2007

  • But given the scale of the legacy of unemployment, poverty and inequality, there is now a sense of urgency and it takes the form of pressure for a developmental state, though substantially different to that of the East Asian Tigers, and even contemporary China.

    CONTENTS 2007

  • The impressive economic advances made by the East Asian Tigers (South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong) in the last decades of the 20th Century were ascribed to the instrumentality of a developmental state.

    CONTENTS 2007

  • The impressive economic advances made by the East Asian Tigers (South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong) in the last decades of the 20th Century were ascribed to the instrumentality of a developmental state.

    The developmental state and monopoly power 2007

  • Chang also emphasises the importance of available finance for promoting industrial growth, as happened throughout the East Asian Tigers.

    The developmental state and monopoly power 2007

  • But given the scale of the legacy of unemployment, poverty and inequality, there is now a sense of urgency and it takes the form of pressure for a developmental state, though substantially different to that of the East Asian Tigers, and even contemporary China.

    The developmental state and monopoly power 2007


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